May 28th – The annual garage sale will be on May 28th from 8-noon. Place stuff in your own front yard, combine with a neighbor, or feel free to use the common areas. Visitors may not drive all our streets, so feel free to put up your own sign with your address and directions.
June 1st – Neighborhood Party at 6pm at the gazebo area. Burgers will be provided, please bring side dish like salad or dessert.
June 18th – The annual HOA meeting will be held on June 18th at 9am at the gazebo. One of the topics for discussion is a proposed increase in dues to $36/month. Come find out why the dues are being increased. Get a copy of the budget and other financials.
**** JOIN THE BOARD *** – the board will have at least one vacancy and may decide to expand the board to the maximum number of 7 board members (opening up three more positions). Please contact a board member or come to the meeting to express your interest in joining the board. There is currently no financial incentive for being on the board, but you can help set the mood and direction of our neighborhood. See the CC&R’s section 10.11 & 10.12 for more information.