Those within a certain distance of the State Street address mentioned below probably received this postcard today. If you have input regarding the request to rezone the commercial property to accommodate a new development of condominiums, please comment here so the Board understands the opinions of the HOA membership, and also contact the city at the phone number below, and best yet, attending the meeting in person at the date and time shown.
Provo City Public Hearing Notice
Planning Commission Hearing
Wednesday, 2016-10-26 @ 17:30 (5:30 p.m.)
351 W. Center Street, Provo, UTITEM 2
Dave Morley, representing East Mountain Commercial, requests final approval for a Condominium Conversion of an existing 0.85 acre property, located at approximately 2335 South State Street, in the SC-1 Zone. Provost South Neighborhood. 16-0001CC, Dustin Wright, 801-852-6414
I called Dustin Wright (Provo City) and he said the actual change will not be from Commercial to Residential, but they want to “condominiumize” the property such that its various floors/offices can be sold, rather than leased, to the tenants. In other words, a commercial condominium, rather than a residential one. Also, apparently the applicant does not have things in place yet, so this will be continued (postponed) until a later date rather than being covered at today’s hearing.