In case you have not seen the basketball court recently, a couple of changes have been made. In addition to graffiti removed courtesy of some of the local youth, the backboards are now replaced with metal replacements that we hope
South and West HOA Fence/Wall FAQ
Welcome to the HOA, and the FAQ on the fence that borders the HOA on the south and west sides. Questions about how to deal with the wall have been around for a long time, and the issue has been
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. What are CC&Rs, or the “Declaration”? A. The “Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of East Mountain, A Planned Unit Development (Expandable), Provo, Utah County, Utah” (CC&Rs) is the governing document agreed-to by all property owners within the Home
Reserve Study – Are we collecting enough dues to properly maintain our neighborhood?
This reserve analysis was recently completed by an outside company to analyze our HOA reserve. It’s a bit long, but it explains why raising dues is a critical element to preserve our neighborhood. As always we hope you read and