Website: | |
Address: | Mailing: PO Box 5555, Draper UT 84020 Statement: Payment Processing Center, 2223 S Highland Drive #E6-324, SLC UT 84106 |
Management Contact: | General questions & comments: Violations: phone: (801) 256-0465 |
Benefits: |
Cost: | Around $3.50/household per month |
What are their credentials: | We are licensed, insured, bonded, and the most qualified professional community managers in the state. We currently manage more than twice the number of communities as any of our competitors. We have never been terminated for cause and have a successful track record of helping communities maintain and increase their values through sound community management principles. FCS has seven Certified Managers of Community Associations (CMCAs). There are only 10 in the entire state. Our fee is a minimal $3.50 per month per home and although we are the best community management firm in Utah, you will find our price is middle of the line. |